There are so many direct sales MLM companies around. How do you know you're investing time and money into the right one? Many require that you keep a minimum amount of stock, paid for out of your own pocket! Some require ridiculous membership fees! Yikes. Rest assured that Avon cares about its independent sales representatives! Here are 6 reasons you know Avon has your back!
1. $15 Start-up fee includes free training! $15 gets you your own business. Once your fee has been paid, Avon will send you some brochures for the next 2 campaigns, along with some samples and a workbook! Avon wants you to succeed!
2. ONLY $50 minimum order
required to make $$$$$ through face to face sales; Any online order makes you money! I recently heard of a company that requires you to sell an amount per month, or you have basically thrown away money. YIKES! I would never work for a company who's main income is draining the money out of its sales reps!
3. No required stock or inventory! It was the same company mentioned in number 3 that required you to purchase stock EVERY MONTH. Meaning if you don't sell, you're STILL required to buy product. Double Yikes!! Of course, you can always keep stock if that is how you like to do business. Avon has special demo programs available with items hugely discounted; so you can stock up if you like, buy products to demonstrate to customers, etc. However, you do have to have an order of $50 to qualify for the demo prices.
4. NO HOME PARTIES REQUIRED!! Avon DOES have excellent party planning resources available if parties are something you choose to do; however it is not required! Avon has made it easy to sell the way that works for you!
5. One simple fee for shipping! FLAT RATE SHIPPING! You never have to worry about paying extra with giant order!
6. FREE WEBSITE for customer online ordering! The same company mentioned above charges $20 MONTHLY to keep a website up for your customers to order from. $240 a year JUST to have your own website!
7. You can Work Avon around your life! You don’t have to change your lifestyle or quit your day job; just give an Avon brochure to people
you already know and meet in
your life!
For FAQ and more information, CLICK HERE!
JOIN US!! for $15!
Web: www.youravon.com/chelseymann
Sign up on line for $15 @:
code: chelseymann